Todo Indicator is an App Indicator that follows the Todo.txt methodology. It is capable of both reading and editing Todo.txt files. 

The Todo.txt method is a productivity approach which consists in organizing tasks and projects using a plain text file. You can find more informations about this method HERE.

To install Todo Indicator, you need to get the source code from Github:

cd ~/Downloads
git clone git://

While you can easily run the file directly from its directory, it is advised that you put the executable somewhere in your PATH:

cd ./Todo-Indicator
sudo cp /usr/bin/todoindicator

In order to use Todo Indicator, you should  create a Todo.txt file. If you don't know how to format your Todo.txt, you can use the example file which is included in the source code that you have already downloaded:

todoindicator ./sample-todo.txt

The result of the aforementioned command would look something like this:

To change the default text editor used by Todo Indicator, use the following command:

todoindicator -e gedit ./sample-todo.txt
